Dental Focus Singapore
Everyone wants to have a full set of pearly white teeth—but if, by some mishap, tooth loss has occurred or is imminent, rest assured knowing that your teeth can be restored. Let Dental Focus show you a wide range of restorative options for recovering your smile.
dental crowns
Dental Crowns
A dental crown, which is also referred to as a dental cap, is a prosthetic object that is permanently cemented onto a patient’s tooth. Only a professional and trained dentist can remove it once it has been attached. The purpose of a dental crown is to cover a patient’s damaged tooth, yet it also strengthens it and improves its overall appearance and alignment of the teeth.

Dental Crowns are made from the impression of a tooth or set of teeth they are going to cover. Before it is created, a dentist must reduce the tooth to fit the crown. A dentist may also place a temporary crown while the permanent crown is still in the making.
What A Dental Crown Looks Like
A dental crown is a tooth-shaped “cap” that is placed over a tooth — to cover the tooth to restore its shape and size and improve its appearance.

A crown serves as a helmet for your tooth, but it is also used for the following reasons:

  • Protect a heavily-filled tooth (i.e. teeth that have huge fillings)
  • Act as a permanent filling option (i.e. example if your filling keeps dropping out, as the filling materials are not strong enough)
  • In place of an implant restoration when there is insufficient bone for the implant

There are different crowning materials that are selected by a professional dentist and which are also used to meet to your various dental needs.
dental crowns
Dental Implants
Dental Implants are surgical-grade titanium screws that act as the root portion of the normal tooth which support permanent tooth prosthetics that are meant to last a lifetime. These artificial roots are placed in the bone. A crown is placed atop the implant for a long-lasting and natural looking smile.

Implants perform the same functions as natural teeth and they also help in preventing bone atrophy in the jaw. Dental implants may be used to replace a missing or damaged tooth in order to restore a perfect smile. It is the most ideal form of restoring a gap in your teeth or providing support for stabilising your dentures.
Factors To Be Considered For Dental Implants
  • Patient’s medical history/oral hygiene
  • The implant procedure requires minor surgery (which is a Medisave deductible procedure) for affixing the crown to provide the functions and aesthetics of a tooth.

Tooth replacement can boost your speaking confidence on a practical level as well as facilitate your eating.
Know the Approach Your Dentist Takes
The success of the implant will also depend on the comprehensive approach to the dental care procedure. Your dentist will have a thorough discussion with you prior to any procedure.

Success Rate of Dental Implants
The success rate of dental implants differs according to the exact location of the emplaced implants. However, dental implants generally have a reported success rate of up to 98%. With proper dental care and oral hygiene, implants can last a lifetime.
Should You Get A Dental Implant?
For implants you can rely on in your day-to-day activities, don’t hesitate to contact us. Dental Focus will be glad to assist you! Consult Dental Focus surgeons about your implant restorability today!

Find the nearest Dental Focus Dental Clinic and book an appointment today!
What are Veneers?
Veneers are very thin, custom-made shells of ceramic (porcelain) or composite resin that are designed to cover the front portion of the teeth. These are placed to mask stained, chipped, crooked or decayed teeth. It can also hide gaps between your teeth when braces are not suitable.

Veneers are custom-made, which means that a precise shade of porcelain can be chosen. They also look natural because they are ultra thin and are helped into place by a special and strong adhesive. Veneers typically last for 7-15 years before they need to be replaced.
How Are Veneers Done?
The tooth is first prepared for the veneer. An impression is taken or sent for fabrication. The veneer is then stuck onto the tooth.

How Are Veneers Maintained?
There will be a period of adjustment for about a week or two as you adjust to your new set of pearly whites. You must ensure that you brush and floss daily. After a week or two, you are required to come back for a follow-up appointment.
The Difference Between Crowns and Veneers
A crown encases the entire tooth, while veneers only cover a tooth’s front surface.
Do you have to always settle for a grin because of chipped or stained teeth? Try the transformation provided by veneers so you can flash that smile with confidence! Make the first step and book an appointment with our licensed dentists at any Dental Focus clinic. Contact us now for your appointment.
aligners and braces
Aligners and Braces
Braces and aligners are two of the most popular dental care methods for adults, and even for teenagers. It is trendy among younger patients, as it makes a patient’s smile more attractive.
Braces are perfect for people who do not see time as an issue in achieving a beautiful smile. Orthodontics are best used to align their teeth.

If you are considering braces for your child or for yourself, you have different options. Our dentists at Dental Focus can help you make the right choice.
teeth whitening
Teeth Whitening
Do you want to have a brighter smile and whiter teeth? Pearly white teeth can be hard to achieve, especially if you are fond of coffee, tea, or red wine, or colored food like gums, candies and fruits.

These foods and drinks can stain your teeth, which is why they become yellowish. People with stained teeth find teeth whitening to be the perfect solution.
The Teeth Whitening Procedure
Teeth Whitening or teeth bleaching is the external application of whitening gel on the teeth to help “bleach” them. The gel is sometimes activated with light, to further enhance the “bleaching” process to make a person’s teeth whiter.

A whiter smile gives confidence, exudes charm and can brighten up your day.

In working towards our goal of becoming everyone’s dental service provider of choice, we see to it that our holistic, patient-centric treatments make a positive impact on your daily life.
teeth whitening
teeth whitening
Preparing For Your Teeth Whitening Procedure
As one of the most popular cosmetic dental treatments, whitening has seen an increase in demand over the past few years. With more attention being paid to dental aesthetics, particularly non-invasive, speedy dental procedures, it is not surprising that teeth whitening continues to be in vogue, especially when you are looking for a quick fix to achieve a dazzling smile.

Prior to the procedure, the patient will be required to have a consultation within 2 weeks before the appointment to clean, check and discuss the prognosis of the whitening.
The Original Colour of Your Teeth
Getting your teeth whitened can be easy, especially if you have taken care of your teeth and gums. However, if you are a smoker or a regular coffee drinker, then chances are high that your teeth could be stained. Your tooth’s original colour will ultimately contribute to the shade of your teeth after teeth whitening or bleaching.

To achieve your desired shade of white, patients whose teeth come in grey or brown hues have to undergo several teeth whitening treatments.
teeth whitening
teeth whitening
How Long Does It Last?
How long the results of the whitening procedure last is dependent on how assiduously the patient follows the dentist’s instructions. All of the steps in the teeth whitening procedure must be strictly and sequentially followed in order to achieve the desired results.

Patient’s Lifestyle Habits
The kind of routine a patient follows after the teeth bleaching or whitening process will affect the results of his whitening treatment. Smoking and coffee intake should be completely avoided to prevent stains from developing on the treated surface.
Patient’s Teeth Surface

Teeth whitening and bleaching products will only work on the patient’s natural teeth, and not on artificial dental materials like caps, veneers, and porcelain.

Our professional dentists will recommend the suitable teeth whitening option or system, which will definitely be safe and effective for your teeth.
Here at Dental Focus, we want our patients to be reassured and satisfied with the results they have invested in. Approach any of our dentists to ask about the various aesthetic procedures that Dental Focus offers.
teeth whitening
Besides the aesthetic value provided, these dental services that are designed to improve the appearance of teeth can also have an effect on function, comfort, and oral health in general. For example, when you have lost some teeth, the space created may allow the surrounding teeth to shift into that space. This results in a misalignment in your bite which could lead to problems with your jaw. Furthermore, the shifted teeth may also be harder to clean, making them more susceptible to gum disease, tooth decay, or additional tooth loss.
What Are Dental Bridges?
Just like dental crowns, bridges are also fixed prosthetic devices that bridge the gap created by one or more missing teeth. A typical bridge is composed of one or more artificial teeth which are called pontics, held in place by two dental crowns or abutments. They are cemented onto the supporting teeth, or in some cases, fixed on an implant that has been placed next to the missing teeth.

Who Are Suitable Candidates for a Dental Bridge?
Anyone who is missing one or more consecutive teeth can be a candidate for a dental bridge. Those who have lost a larger number of teeth may be better suited for a fixed or removed partial denture. Proper advice will also be given upon consultation to arrive at a more suitable solution.

It is important that a patient’s remaining teeth are structurally sound and free from decay. A patient with unchecked gum disease must first be treated before bridgework can be done.
Benefits of Dental Bridges:
  • Replaces your missing teeth
  • Restores your smile
  • Restores your ability to speak and chew properly
  • Prevents the remaining teeth from shifting out of position
  • Permanently fixed, preventing it from moving like dentures
Bring back that perfect smile with reliable bridgework at the Dental Focus clinic. We have a team of dentists who are trained, certified and experienced to perform this delicate procedure. We also offer a range of services to promote overall dental and oral health. Book your appointment today and let’s get that beautiful smile back!
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